Castle Keep Residents' Association
The Castle Keep Residents' Association (CKRA) was set up to care for the entrance parks, grass boulevards, trees, and the timber bridge, which are all beyond the scope of the City of Calgary's responsibility.
There is an annual fee which is assessed to each household to cover these expenses.
This charge is pursuant to the Encumbrance registered on the title of your property, which means that any unpaid fees will be a charge against your property and ultimately collected at the time the property is sold. This is not an optional payment and is required from the owner(s) of each property.
Financial statements will be available for review at our Annual General Meeting each year. A volunteer Board of Directors was first elected in April 2014.
~ Community Association Link ~
Castle Keep Residents' Association is part
of the Strathcona, Christie Park and
Aspen Woods (SCA) Community Association.
What is the difference between a Community Association and a Residents' Association?
A Community Association is a social organization formed by the residents of an area:
- to manage and direct its social and recreational activities
- to act as an intervener in civic matters ~ planning and development
- to plan, develop and maintain community facilities and amenities
- membership is voluntary
- Castle Keep is a member of the Strathcona, Christie Park & Aspen Woods Community Association (
A Residents' Association is a landscaping organization formed by a land developer:
- to manage and maintain the property value "marketing" amenities of a development that neither the City of Calgary nor the land developer will accept responsibility to maintain ~ parks, boulevards, bridge, statue, flags, stone retaining walls, irrigation system, etc..
- to perform landscape maintenance duties as defined in scope and location in the registered encumbrance.
- membership is compulsory and the requirement to pay an annual fee is collected by the Association's elected Board of Directors through an encumbrance on each property land title.
- pursuant to the Societies Act of the Province of Alberta, the Association is required to host an Annual General Meeting and to submit audited year-end financial statements to the province.
~ Current Board of Directors ~
| Josh L.
Members at Large
| | Krishnan M.
| Nareeman A.
| Sara H. |
| Dwayne C.
| |
Where My Fees Go
- Maintenance and insurance for the entrance park amenities ~ knight statue, stone
retaining walls, irrigation system, lighting, wood bench, inner pathways,
trees/shrubs, planter containers, perimeter stone fence and decorative door.
- Maintenance and insurance for the timber bridge and bridge flags.
- Landscape maintenance of the entrance park, entrance median, and planter
- Mowing and watering of City-owned grass boulevards and trees along sections of
14 Avenue, Ascot Drive, Ascot Rise and Ascot Crescent.
- Sidewalk snow removal and ice management around the entrance park.
- Holiday lights in the entrance park and winter-themed planter containers.
- City of Calgary for property tax and Enmax for water and power.
- Management and accounting services provided by Blackstone Property Management Inc.
- Bank fees, administrative expenses, signage, website, annual corporation audit
and return.
*Note: Fees are not used toward attorney collection of outstanding fees.